After some long thought about how to conduct this blog, I decided to make a significant change to the way I write it.
From here on out, I will update every Friday afternoon. This means one blog update for every week. My original thought behind this blog was to keep myself motivated, keep myself accountable for writing every single day, and report to you in order to do so. However, what has been happening is the opposite of that. I have been writing every single day, but I have not used the blog to do so. In fact, the blog has turned into a "when I can" sort of project, because sometimes you either keep writing on your book or you time out and set aside an hour to put together something ... anything ... about the day. That means that my blog has turned into a grasp for straws. It means that instead of writing insightful, well-rounded pieces, I am forcing myself to write in an online diary that sometimes has to do with writing and sometimes has to do with what sort of cookies at what coffee house I consumed in the last twenty-four hours. For this reason, I make myself a new goal, and in some ways a harder goal. Every Friday, I will update on my week, and then I will cover something that has to do with writing. Thank you for being patient as this project evolves. I will see you on Friday.
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What is this?Dawson is a writer. This is her blog. In it, you shall read about reading. And writing. And cheeseburgers. Sometimes there are tangents. Huzzah. Categories
May 2019