So you've come across my lovely new blog. This ain't my first rodeo. I was a blogger for three years before starting to head out on my own. Some of those blog posts I'll re-paste here so I can share them with you, and others will be new.
But I thought for us to get to know each other, I should let you know what's up with me and what's up with this blog. You know, so we all can be friends and not feel weird about taking advice from a complete stranger. Who the hell are you? Well. I'm a writer. I've been writing for a pretty long time, although my pen name is new and shiny. I don't know what the protocol is for using a pen name, seeing as it's my first time out with a pen name. Why are you using a pen name? That seems dumb. Well, there are lots of reasons why people use pen names. My own personal reason is that I wanted to have a disconnect between my actual personal life and the even more personal life of writing. Ain't nothin' wrong with that. I mean, and then there's the whole ordeal with the mafia and things, but really, who wants to get into that? What do you write? I've written a lot of steampunk science fiction in the past couple of years. I also have some plays and short stories. How can I trust you? Well, you really can't trust anyone. Why are you so stuck on this idea of me being a murderer? Fine. What is this blog going to be about? This blog is going to be about me, of course, because who doesn't have a blog about themselves? I know a kid down the street who blogs about her Girl Scout cookie sales. But I'm hoping to do a little more with this blog, like actually give you advice based on what I've come up against in my own writing and what I've seen during my years as an editor. You're an editor? I worked at a publishing company for three years as a publisher's assistant and editor of YA, Science Fiction, and Fantasy. I still freelance. Will you read my work? Yes! I will! But unfortunately I charge now, because that's how it goes. Check out my Editing page for more information on that. Who do you like to read? I'm a big fan of Ray Bradbury. And then I could list off a lot of really important, awesome to-do's, but I also really love everyone over at and Allie Brosh. What is your deepest, darkest secret? Oh, come on now, random questioner. What is your issue? We just met. Where can I read some of your work? For updates on publication and appearances, check out my Recent News page. As of me writing this blog, I was published in Eclectica Magazine with the story, "Falling." What do you like to write about? I like to write about weird people who are doing important things. I know that's broad, but I think it really encompasses the oeuvre of my anthology that doesn't exist. Honestly, right now I'm writing about two kids on an airship that are in love but have to save the world. And I'm also writing a book about the fallout of the United States no longer existing, and how a group of ragamuffins are trying to fix that. What's your favorite color? Weird question. But blurple. Or known to others as "indigo." That's right, that reject color of the rainbow you always forget existed! Now that we've reacquainted ourselves ... No more questions about the mafia, Questioner!
What is this?Dawson is a writer. This is her blog. In it, you shall read about reading. And writing. And cheeseburgers. Sometimes there are tangents. Huzzah. Categories
May 2019