I have an excuse! I was all ready to write entries the last three days, but I've been without internet. So here, you get them all in one blog. DAY SIXTY-TWO: I took a tour of Loch Lomond, the Highlands, and Stirling Castle. I listened to music as we sailed through the Scottish hinterlands, and it was gorgeous. Here, of course, are some pictures. I was struck by the actual story behind You Take the High Road, and we listened to it on the bus on the way to Loch Lomond. It was beautiful, the whole day, and I'm so glad I did the trip. I came home, grumbled about not being able to do the vault tour because of my leg, and then went to the pub to write instead. Most of it came out scribbles, but here's a picture of the writing space.
I went home. I got up at 4 in the morning, took a cab, got through security, and then I was on a plane for eleven hours. Eleven hours, because one for boarding, two because the engine literally blew right before we took off and we had to fix it ... or, they had to fix it, I didn't, and then the rest for flight and waiting on the runway in Chicago, because our plane lost power right after we landed. So yes, that happened. I sped through security, got through customs, and ran onto my flight home right as the gate was closing. I think they were trying to give my seat up to a standby. Not bloody likely. On the plane ride home, all I wanted to do was get to my apartment and see my husband. It had been a great trip, but I have never wanted to simply sit on a couch in the middle of my Shire for so long, and I knew that feeling would quickly rub away, so I enjoyed it as long as I had it. I also read the entirety of Go Set a Watchman. Seeing as in real life, I am Scout (minus her awkward and disturbing views of the black community), I really enjoyed the book for what it was: a first draft. I think that's what I took away from the book. You can still turn out a great writer when you have a crappy draft. I landed. My parents picked me up. They immediately started updating me on what has happened the last month, from family gossip to national news. I suddenly felt very overwhelmed, and I thought back to Bilbo coming back to his Shire. Nothing ever looks the same when you've seen the larger picture. "You change change the world and expect it to remain the same." I collapsed in my parents' living room, waiting for Alex to collect me. He did, eventually, and we jetlag-ate a pizza before going to bed. I don't have coherent words for the trip yet, but I do know that I'm a stronger writer because of it. It allowed me to gain confidence, meet amazing people, and understand the scope of the universe (although it is so much bigger than what I saw). It's been humbling, gratifying, imaginative, and amazing. Now onto the writing session for today.
What is this?Dawson is a writer. This is her blog. In it, you shall read about reading. And writing. And cheeseburgers. Sometimes there are tangents. Huzzah. Categories
May 2019