Oh dear. How the year goes.
Because I'm working full-time until May, and I'm working on another blog, something had to go, and I decided this blog could be put on a hiatus until May, when I actually will have time to do things other than work on my manuscript. But I wanted to give an update as to things that were going on, etc. I am getting married. So there's that. Writing-wise, I'm working on this book and trying not to die. I have never written so many damn drafts of something in my life. Plotting is hard, guys. Plotting is really hard. I'm working with my mentor, Nancy Holder, this semester, and in July, I'm heading off to Ireland to study under Ted Deppe and other amazing writers for a week. I'm excited for the opportunity. I'm also trying to find a way to AWP this year, so we're coming up with a scheme for that. Taking a writer's retreat over my spring break with my Maid of Honor to Colorado, where we're going to lock ourselves up in a hotel room and write, write, write. Well, it's time to delve into The Hobbit. I know this was a lame post. I just wanted to make sure you knew I wasn't dead.
What is this?Dawson is a writer. This is her blog. In it, you shall read about reading. And writing. And cheeseburgers. Sometimes there are tangents. Huzzah. Categories
May 2019